Welsh Corgi Cardigan

A nice Welsh sheepdog, it is a small-sized dog with a great character

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12-15 anni

The origin of the breed is uncertain. Some argue that the first examples arrived in England as a result of Flemish weavers. According to others it is instead a native dog.The region from which it spread is however Wales, where it was used for the surveillance of poultry animals on farms in the Welsh moors.The first use of the Corgi as a guide dog for herds of cattle dates back to the 15th century. It was at this time that Wales began supplying large English cities with meat.The Welsh Corgi comes to distinguish itself in two varieties: the Welsh Corgi Pembroke, more ancient, and the Cardigan, of more recent selection. During the twentieth century the breed begins to be highly appreciated for pure company, thanks above all to its use in this sense by the Queen of England.In 1934 the Kennel Club determined that Cardigan and Pembroke had to be two distinct breeds and not just two varieties of the same dog.
Smart, active and smart. Firm, neither shy nor aggressive

General appearance

Vigorous, tenacious, agile, capable of endurance. Long compared to the height, it ends with a fox tail, inserted on the extension of the dorsal line  
  • Testa

    forma e aspetto di muso di volpe
  • Testa - regione del cranio

    Cranio: ampio e piatto tra orecchi; diminuisce progressivamente verso gli occhi, al di sopra dei quali si presenta leggermente a cupola

    Stop: moderato
  • Testa - regione del muso

    Tartufo: nero; sporge leggermente e non è assolutamente smussato.

    Muso: si assottiglia moderatamente verso il tartufo

    Mascelle /denti: denti forti con chiusura a forbice, cioè con gli incisivi superiori che si sovrappongono a stretto contatto agli inferiori e sono impiantati perpendicolarmente alle mascelle. La mascella inferiore nettamente delineata. È forte ma senza essere sporgente

    Occhi: di media grandezza, limpidi, dall’espressione amichevole, sveglia, ma guardinga. Inseriti piuttosto distanziati con angoli nettamente definiti. Preferibilmente scuri, o in armonia col mantello; bordi palpebrali scuri.
    Uno o tutti e due gli occhi azzurri, blu o macchiettati di blu, sono permessi solo nei blue-merle.

    Orecchi: eretti, piuttosto larghi se proporzionati alla taglia del cane. Moderatamente larghi alla base hanno punte leggermente arrotondate, e sono distanziati circa 8 cm. Portati in modo che le punte siano leggermente al di fuori di una linea retta che dalla punta del naso, passa dal centro degli occhi, e inseriti bene indietro in modo che possano essere tenuti appoggiati piatti lungo il collo.
  • Collo

    muscoloso, ben sviluppato, proporzionato alla mole del cane. Si inserisce nelle spalle ben oblique
  • Corpo

    piuttosto lungo e forte

    Linea superiore: orizzontale

    Rene: vita nettamente segnata

    Torace: moderatamente ampio con sterno prominente. Regione sternale discesa, costole ben cerchiate.
  • Coda

    simile a quella della volpe, inserita sul prolungamento della linea dorsale e moderatamente lunga (da arrivare o quasi al suolo).

    Portata bassa in stazione, può essere alzata un po’ al di sopra della linea del corpo in movimento, ma non arrotolata sul dorso
  • Arti

    ossatura robusta. Gambe corte ma il tronco nettamente distanziato dal suolo
  • Arti anteriori

    Spalle: ben appoggiate, muscolose; formano con l’avambraccio un angolo di circa 90°

    Gomiti: aderenti al torace

    Avambraccio: leggermente arcuato per seguire la forma del torace.

    Piedi anteriori: rotondi, chiusi, abbastanza grandi, provvisti di buoni cuscinetti. Leggermente girati in fuori.
  • Arti posteriori

    Forti, ben angolati e allineati, con cosce e gambe muscolose; forte ossatura fino a terra.

    Gambe: corte

    Metatarso: verticale in stazione, visto di lato e da dietro

    Piedi posteriori: rotondi, compatti, piuttosto larghi e con buoni cuscinetti.
  • Andatura

    movimento libero e vivace, con i gomiti ben aderenti al corpo, non scollati né troppo stretti.

    Anteriori che hanno un buon allungo senza levarsi troppo da terra, in sintonia con la spinta del posteriore.
  • Mantello - pelo

    corto o medio, di tessitura dura. Impermeabile, con buon sottopelo.

    Preferibilmente diritto
  • Mantello - colore

    qualsiasi colore, con o senza macchie bianche, ma il bianco non deve predominare
  • Taglia e peso

    Altezza al garrese: ideale 30 cm

    Peso in proporzione alla taglia, tenendo in considerazione innanzitutto l’equilibrio dell’insieme.
  • Difetti

    qualsiasi deviazione da quanto sopra deve essere considerato come difetto e la severità con cui verrà penalizzata deve essere proporzionata alla sua gravità e ai suoi effetti sulla salute e sul benessere del cane, e sulla sua capacità a svolgere il suo tradizionale lavoro.
  • Difetti eliminatori

    - Cane aggressivo o eccessivamente timido
    - Qualsiasi cane che mostri in modo evidente anormalità d’ordine fisico o comportamentale sarà squalificato

    N.B. I maschi devono avere due testicoli apparentemente normali completamente
    discesi nello scroto

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Pleasant sheperd, the Welsh Corgi is a small size dog with a great character

  • 50%
  • 50%
  • 55%
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  • 10%

12-15 years

The origin of the breed is uncertain. Some argue that the first examples arrived in England as a result of Flemish weavers. According to others it is instead a native dog.The region from which it spread is however Wales, where it was used for the surveillance of poultry animals on farms in the Welsh moors.The first use of the Corgi as a guide dog for herds of cattle dates back to the 15th century. It was at this time that Wales began supplying large English cities with meat.The Welsh Corgi comes to distinguish itself in two varieties: the Welsh Corgi Pembroke, more ancient, and the Cardigan, of more recent selection. During the twentieth century the breed begins to be highly appreciated for pure company, thanks above all to its use in this sense by the Queen of England.In 1934 the Kennel Club determined that Cardigan and Pembroke had to be two distinct breeds and not just two varieties of the same dog.
Smart, active and smart. Firm, neither shy nor aggressive

General appearance

Vigorous, tenacious, agile, capable of endurance. Long compared to the height, it ends with a fox tail, inserted on the extension of the back line
  • Head

    fox face shape and appearance
  • Head - Cranial Region

    Skull: broad and flat between ears; it gradually decreases towards the eyes, above which it is slightly domed

    Stop: moderate

    Black truffle; it protrudes slightly and is absolutely not blunt.

    Muzzle: Tapering moderately towards the nose

    Jaws / Teeth: Strong teeth with scissor bite, i.e. with the upper incisors closely overlapping the lower ones and set perpendicular to the jaws. The lower jaw clearly delineated. It is strong but without being bulging
  • Neck

    muscular, well developed, proportionate to the size of the dog. It fits well into the shoulders
  • Body

    quite long and strong

    Top line: horizontal

    Loin: waist clearly marked

    Chest: Moderately broad with prominent breastbone. Sternal region sloping, ribs well sprung.

  • Tail

    similar to that of the fox, inserted on the extension of the dorsal line and moderately long (reaching or almost to the ground).

    Carried low at the station, it can be raised a little above the line of the body in motion, but not rolled up on the back

  • Body

    sturdy skeleton. Short legs but the trunk clearly distanced from the ground
  • Front limbs

    Shoulders: well supported, muscular; form an angle of about 90 ° with the forearm

    Elbows: Close to the chest

    Forearm: Slightly arched to follow the shape of the chest.

    Forefeet: Round, closed, fairly large, with good pads. Slightly turned out.

  • Hind limbs

    Strong, well angled and aligned, with muscular thighs and legs; strong bone down to the ground.

    Short legs

    Metatarsus: Vertical when standing, seen from the side and from behind

    Hind feet: Round, compact, rather broad and well padded.

  • Gait / Movement

    free and lively movement, with the elbows close to the body, neither low cut nor too tight.

    Forelegs that have a good reach without rising too much from the ground, in harmony with the thrust of the rear.

  • Coat - hair

    short or medium, of hard texture. Waterproof, with good undercoat.

    Preferably straight

  • Coat - color

    any color, with or without white markings, but white should not predominate
  • Size and weight

    Height at the withers: ideal 30 cm

    Weight in proportion to size, first of all taking into account the balance of the whole.

  • Faults

    Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on its ability to perform its traditional work.

  • Disqualifying faults

    - Aggressive or overly shy dog
    - Any dog ​​that clearly shows physical or behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified

    - Male animals must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
    - Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be used for breeding.

  • Welsh Corgi Cardigan
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