Portuguese Warren Hound – Portuguese Podengo
Energic and aware of what happens around him
Lean and of a quadrangular pyramid shape, with large base and definite pointed muzzle.
The longitudinal superior craniumfacial axes are divergent. -
Head - cranial region
Skull: Flat; almost straight in profile; prominent superciliary arches; scarcely perceptible frontal furrow; the area between the ears is horizontal with prominent occipital protuberance.
Stop: Barely defined.
Head - facial region
Nose: Tapered and obliquely truncated, prominent at the tip; of darker colour than the coat.
Muzzle: Pointed; curved seen from the front, with a straight profile; shorter than the skull; broader at the base than at the tip.
Lips: Close fitting, thin; firm, horizontally cut and well pigmented.
Jaws/Teeth: Normal with scissors bite, with solid, white teeth; normal occlusion of both jaws. Full dentition in the large variety.
Cheeks: Lean and obliquely set, seen from the front.
Eyes: Very lively expression; not prominent; they are small and slanted with the colour ranging from honey to brown, in accordance with the coat; lids darker than the coat colour.
Ears: Set on obliquely at the level of the eyes; straight, erect, with high mobility; vertical or tilting slightly forward, when attentive; pointed, wider at the base, triangular; thin, of considerable length,
more than the width at the base. -
In a harmonious transition from head to body; straight; long; well proportioned, strong and well muscled; without dewlap. -
Top line: Straight, level.
Withers: Only slightly visible in relation to the neck and back.
Back: Straight and long.
Loin: Straight; broad and well muscled.
Croup: Straight or slightly sloping; medium sized; broad and well muscled.
Chest : Down to the elbows; of moderate width; long, with the sternum rising back and up; ribs slightly sprung and inclined; forechest neither too apparent nor too muscled and of moderate
Underline and belly: Slightly tucked up; lean belly and flanks. -
Natural, set on rather higher than low; strong, thick and thinning to the tip, of medium length; at rest falls slightly curved between the buttocks down to the hocks, in action it rises horizontally either slightly curved or vertically in sickle shape, but never curled; fringed on the underside. -
General appearance: Upright when seen from front and sides; well muscled and lean.
Shoulder: Long; inclined; strong and well muscled; scapula-humerus angle, approximately 110º.
Elbow: Parallel to the main line of the body.
Forearm: Vertical; long and well muscled.
Carpus (Pastern joint): Lean and not prominent.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Short; strong; slightly inclined.
Forefeet: Rounded; long toes, strong, tight and arched; with strong and preferably dark nails, tough and firm pads. -
General appearance: Upright when seen from back and sides; well muscled and lean; parallel to the main body line.
Thigh: Long; of medium width; well muscled.
Stifle joint: Femur-tibia angle approximately 135º.
Second thigh: Inclined; long; lean, strong, well muscled.
Hock: Of medium height; lean; strong; open hock angle, approimately 135º.
Metatarsus (Rear Pastern): Strong; short; inclined; without dewclaws.
Hind feet: Rounded; long toes, strong, tight and arched; short and strong nails, preferably dark; tough and firm pads. -
Gait / Movement
Light trot, easy and agile movement. -
Thin and tight. Mucous membranes preferably dark pigmented or always darker than the coat. -
Coat - hair
Two varieties: Either short and smooth or long and wire - both of medium thickness; without undercoat. The short coat is denser than the wire coat.
In the wire variety the hair on the muzzle is longer (bearded). -
Coat - colour
Yellow and fawn in all shades from light to dark, with or without white markings, or white with patches of these colours.
In the Small Podengo, the following colours are accepted but not preferred: black, brown, with or without white markings, or white with patches of these colours. -
Small: 20 to 30 cm
Medium: 40 to 54 cm
Large: 55 to 70 cm
Small: 4 to 6 Kg
Medium: 16 to 20 Kg
Large: 20 to 30 Kg -
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effects on
the health and welfare of the dog.
• Behaviour: Signs of shyness.
• Cranium/Muzzle: Parallel longitudinal superior craniumfacial axes.
• Jaws: Incorrect occlusion or badly implanted teeth; pincer bite; incomplete dentition in the large variety.
• Nose: Partial lack of pigmentation.
• Neck: Arched.
• Body: Arched top line.
• Croup: Too sloping.
• Dewclaws: Their existence is not appreciated.
• Coat: Silky and/or with undercoat. -
Severe faults
• Cranium/Muzzle: Convergent superior cranium-facial axes.
• Nose: Total lack of pigmentation.
• Ears: Rounded.
• Belly: Too tucked up.
• Tail: Curled -
Disqualifying Faults
• Aggressive or overly shy dogs.
• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities.
• General Appearance: Signs of crossbreeding to sighthounds, pointing breeds or any other crossbreeding.
• Jaws: Undershot or overshot.
• Eyes: Of different colours.
• Ears: Folded or hanging.
• Colour: Brindle; black and tan; tricolour and totally white.
• Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.