
Calm with the family, great in house defense due to his attention

    • 70%
    • 70%
    • 30%
    • 60%
    • 20%

    8-10 years

    At the end of the thirties, beginning of the forties of the 19th century, Heinrich Essig, town Councilor in Leonberg near Stuttgart, crossed a black and white Newfoundland bitch with a so-called “Barry” male from the monastery hospice Grand St. Bernhard . Later a Pyrenean Mountain Dog was added. This resulted in very large dogs with predominantly long, white coats. Essig's aim was for a lion-like dog.The lion is the heraldic animal of the city of Leonberg.The first dogs really called “Leonbergers” were born in 1846. They combined the excellent qualities of the breeds from which they stemmed. Only a short time later, many of these dogs were sold as status symbols from Leonberg all over the world.At the end of the 19th century, the Leonberger was kept in Baden-Württemberg as the preferred farm dog. His watch and draft abilities were much praised. In both World Wars and the needy post war times, the numbers of breeding stock reduced dramatically.Today the Leonberger is an excellent family dog ​​which fulfills all the demands of modern life.
    The Leonberger is a pleasant friend that can go everywhere with no difficulties, characterized by a huge love for kids.He is not aggressive nor shy.Balanced in is temper, always sure but never aggressive.He requires his human friend presence, as he suffers from loneliness.Good ability to learn.
    GENERAL APPEARANCE According to his original purpose, the Leonberger is a large, strong, muscular yet elegant dog. He is distinguished by his balanced build and confident calmness, yet with quite lively temperament. Males, in particular, are powerful and strong.IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS Height at the withers to length of body: 9 to 10.The depth of chest is nearly 50% of the height at withers.BEHAVIOUR - TEMPERAMENT As a family dog, the Leonberger is an agreeable partner for present day dwelling and living conditions, who can be taken anywhere without difficulty and is distinguished by his marked riendliness towards children. He is neither shy, nor aggressive. As a companion, he is agreeable, obedient, and fearless in all situations of life.The following are particular requirements of steady temperament:• Self-assurance and superior composure. • Medium temperament (including playfulness). • Willing to be submissive. • Good capacity for learning and remembering. • Insensitive to noise
    • Head

      Overall, it is taller than wide and rather elongated than gathered. The ratio between the length of the nose bridge and that of the skull is 1: 1.

      The skin is adherent everywhere, without wrinkles
    • Head - cranial region

      Skull: Viewed from the face and in profile, the skull is moderately rounded; powerful to be in harmony with the trunk and limbs, but not heavy. Its back is not much wider than at eye level.

      Stop: clearly visible, but moderately marked
    • Head - facial region

      Black truffle

      Muzzle: Rather long, never pointed; nasal bridge of uniform width, never concave, rather slightly arched (montanino nose).

      Lips: Close fitting, black; well closed commissure

      Jaws / Teeth: strong jaws with perfect regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the posterior face of the upper incisors is in close contact with the anterior face of the lower incisors, with the teeth implanted.
      perpendicular to the jaws; 42 healthy teeth according to the dental formula (lack of M3 tolerated. A pincer bite is allowed; no narrowing of the lower jaw

      Cheeks: Only slightly developed.

      Eyes: Light brown to dark brown as possible, of medium size, oval, neither deep set nor protruding, neither too close together nor too far apart. The eyelids adhere well to the shape of the eyeball. The conjunctiva must not be visible. The white of the eye (visible part of the sclera) is not red.

      Ears: Set high and not too far back, drooping, of medium size, fleshy and close to cheek.

    • Neck

      it is slightly arched, and blends harmoniously into the withers; a little long rather than short; without exaggeratedly loose skin or dewlap
    • Body

      Withers: Marked, especially in males

      Back: solid, straight, broad

      Loin: Broad, powerful, well muscled

      Croup: broad, relatively long, gently rounded; progressively merges into the insertion of the tail; under no circumstances raised.

      Chest: broad, deep, reaching a minimum to the level of the elbows, not too barrel-shaped, rather oval.

      Bottom line: only slightly raised

    • Tail

      with a lot of hair; falls straight in the station and is only slightly bent when the dog moves; if possible, not carried higher than the extension of the back.

    • Limbs

      very strong, especially in males
    • Forequarters

      n general: straight, parallel and not too close together

      Shoulders / Upper Arm: Long, sloping, not too obtuse at an angle, very muscular

      Elbows: Close fitting to the body

      Pasterns: Strong, solid, seen from the front straight, seen in profile almost vertical

      Forefeet: Turning neither in nor out, rounded, with tightly knit and arched toes, black pads.

    • Hindquarters

      In general: seen from behind, not too close together, parallel. Hocks and feet turned neither in nor out.

      Pelvis: oblique

      Upper thigh: Fairly long, in an oblique position, very muscular. The thigh and leg form a well-defined angle

      Hock: solid, with marked angulation between the leg and the metatarsus

      Hind feet: Direct straight forward, long without exaggeration; arched fingers; black bearings.

    • Gait / Movement

      long strides, regular movement in all gaits; the forelegs carry well forward under the strong push of the hindquarters; when walking and trotting, seen from the front and back, the limbs move in a straight line.
    • Coat - hair

      of medium soft to rough texture, of a good length, well laid, without forming parting; despite the presence of a well developed undercoat, the shapes of the body remain well recognizable; the hair is straight, even if a slight waving is allowed; especially in the males, the hair forms a beautiful mane on the neck and chest, thick fringes at the front and an abundant culotte at the hindquarters
    • Coat - color

      lion yellow (light fawn), red, red-brown, as well as sand (pale yellow, cream color) and all shades between these colors, with black mask; black hair tips are allowed, but black should not predominate.

      The lightening of the base color in the lower face of the tail, the mane, the fringes of the forelegs and the culotte of the hindquarters should not be marked to the point of damaging the harmony of the overall color of the coat.

      A small white patch or a small white mark in the form of a narrow line on the chest is tolerated, as well as white hairs on the toes.

    • Size

      Height at the withers
      Males 72 - 80 cm - sought after average size 76 cm
      Females 65 - 75 cm - medium size sought 70 cm
    • Faults

      any deviation from the above must be considered as a defect and the severity with which this defect will be penalized must be proportionate to its seriousness
    • Disqualifying Faults

      • Fearful or aggressive dog.
      • Important anatomical defects.
      • Brown nose
      • Markedly insufficient pigment on the lips
      • Lack of teeth (except M3), overshot and undershot bite, other bite defects
      • Eye color other than brown in its various shades.
      • Entropion, ectropion
      • Tail visibly curled up or carried too high and curled up
      • Brown bearings
      • Curly or decidedly ringed hair
      • Wrong colors: brown with brown nose and pads, black and tan, black, silver, wild animal color (wolf gray)
      • Total lack of black mask
      • Excess white (the white of the fingers that goes up to the carpus and tarsus, white spot on the chest that exceeds the size of a hand, white in other places.


    Meek in the family, excellent for the guard due to his attention span

      • 70%
      • 70%
      • 30%
      • 60%
      • 20%

      8-10 anni

      In the late 1930s and early 1940s, Heinrich Essig, a city councilor in Leonberger, near Stuttgart, crossed a black and white female Newfoundland with a male named "Barry" who came from the hospice. monastery of the Great Saint Bernard. A Pyrenean Mountain Dog was later added. The result was very large dogs, preferably with long, white fur.Essig's aim was to create a lion-looking dog, as the lion was the animal that appeared on Leonberger's city coat of arms.The first dogs truly worthy of bearing the name "Leonberger Dogs" were born in 1846. They embodied the excellent qualities of the breeds from which they descended.Only a short time later, given their character as a "symbol", a good number of these dogs were exported by Leonberger and spread all over the world.At the end of the 19th century, in Bad-Würtemberg, the Leonberger Dog was preferably used as a farm dog; his qualities as a guard and draft dog were highly valued.Today, the “Leonberger Dog” is an excellent family dog ​​that perfectly meets all the demands of modern life.
      The Leonberger Dog is a pleasant companion that can be taken anywhere without difficulty, and who is distinguished by his marked love for children.It is neither fearful nor aggressive.As an escort dog he is a pleasant, docile and fearless companion in all situations of practical life.The balanced temperament that distinguishes him is phenomenal; it is safe and never aggressive.He needs the company of his master, and suffers a lot from loneliness.Good ability to learn.
      GENERAL APPEARANCE According to its intended use, the Leonberger is a large powerful and very muscular dog, which however remains elegant. It stands out for the balance of its proportions and for the mastery of its own temperament, however very lively. Males are imposing and strong in a special way. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS The ratio between the height at the withers and the length of the trunk is 9 to 10.The height of the chest corresponds to about 50% of the height at the withers. BEHAVIOR - TEMPERAMENT As a family dog, in the current conditions of life and environment, the Leonberger Dog is a pleasant companion that can be taken anywhere without difficulty, and which stands out for its marked love for children. It is neither fearful nor aggressive. As an escort dog he is a pleasant, docile and fearless companion in all situations of practical life. The qualities required for a balanced temperament are the following: • Confidence and impeccable coolness • Average temperament (also in what regards the instinct to play) • Willingness to submit • Good ability to learn and remember • Indifference towards noise.
      • Testa

        Nell’insieme è più alta che larga e piuttosto allungata che raccolta. Il rapporto fra la lunghezza della canna nasale e quella del cranio è di 1 : 1.

        La pelle è ovunque ben aderente, senza rughe
      • Testa - regione del cranio

        Cranio: visto di faccia e di profilo il cranio è moderatamente bombato; potente per essere in armonia col tronco e gli arti, ma non pesante. La sua parte posteriore non è molto più larga che al livello degli occhi.

        Stop: nettamente visibile, ma moderatamente marcato
      • Testa - regione del muso

        Tartufo: nero

        Muso: piuttosto lungo, mai appuntito; canna nasale di larghezza uniforme, mai concava, piuttosto leggermente arcuata (naso montanino).

        Labbra: ben aderenti, nere; commessura ben chiusa

        Mascelle/Denti: mascelle forti con perfetta regolare e completa chiusura a forbice, cioè la faccia posteriore degli incisivi superiori è a stretto contatto con la faccia anteriore degli incisivi inferiori, coi denti impiantati
        perpendicolarmente alle mascelle; 42 denti sani conformemente alla formula dentaria (si tollera la mancanza degli M3. Una chiusura a tenaglia è ammessa; nessun restringimento della mandibola inferiore ai

        Guance: sono sviluppate solo un poco.

        Occhi: dal bruno chiaro al bruno il più possibile scuro, di media grandezza, ovali, né infossati né sporgenti, né troppo ravvicinati né troppo distanziati. Le palpebre aderiscono bene alla forma del globo oculare. La congiuntiva non deve essere visibile. Il bianco dell’occhio (parte visibile della sclera) non è arrossato.

        Orecchi: attaccati alti e non troppo indietro, ricadenti, di media grandezza, carnosi e ben aderenti alla guancia
      • Collo

        è leggermente arcuato, e si fonde armoniosamente nel garrese; un po’ lungo piuttosto che corto; senza pelle esageratamente lassa o giogaia
      • Corpo

        Garrese: marcato, soprattutto nei maschi

        Dorso: solido, diritto, largo

        Rene: largo, potente, ben muscoloso

        Groppa: larga, relativamente lunga, dolcemente arrotondata; si fonde progressivamente nell’inserzione della coda; in nessun caso sopraelevata.

        Torace: largo, ben disceso, arriva al minimo al livello dei gomiti, non troppo a forma di botte, piuttosto ovale.

        Linea inferiore: solo leggermente rilevata
      • Coda

        con tantissimo pelo; cade diritta in stazione e non è che leggermente ricurva quando il cane si muove; se possibile, non portata più in alto del prolungamento del dorso.
      • Arti

        molto forti, specialmente nei maschi
      • Arti anteriori

        In generale: diritti, paralleli e non troppo ravvicinati

        Spalle/ braccio: lunghi, obliqui, che non formano un angolo troppo ottuso, molto muscolosi

        Gomiti: ben aderenti al corpo

        Metacarpi: forti, solidi, visti di faccia diritti, visti di profilo quasi verticali

        Piedi anteriori: non rivolti in dentro né in fuori, arrotondati, dalle dita ben serrate e arcuate, cuscinetti neri.
      • Arti posteriori

        In generale: visti da dietro non troppo ravvicinati, paralleli. Garretti e piedi non rivolti in dentro né in fuori.

        Bacino: obliquo

        Coscia: abbastanza lunga, in posizione obliqua, molto muscolosa. La coscia e la gamba formano un angolo ben definito

        Garretto: solido, con angolazione marcata tra la gamba e il metatarso

        Piedi posteriori: diretti diritti in avanti, lunghi senza esagerazione; dita arcuate; cuscinetti neri.
      • Andatura

        lunghe falcate, movimento regolare in tutte le andature; gli anteriori si portano bene in avanti sotto la forte spinta dei posteriori; al passo e al trotto, visti dal davanti e dal dietro, gli arti si muovono in linea retta.
      • Mantello - pelo

        di tessitura da mediamente morbida a ruvida, d’una buona lunghezza, ben adagiato, senza formare scriminature; malgrado la presenza di un sottopelo ben sviluppato, le forme del corpo restano ben riconoscibili; il pelo è diritto, anche se una leggera ondulazione è ammessa; soprattutto nei maschi, il pelo forma una bella criniera sul collo e il petto, delle frange folte agli anteriori e una culotte abbondante ai posteriori
      • Mantello - colore

        giallo leone (fulvo chiaro), rosso, rosso-bruno, come pure sabbia (giallo pallido, color crema) e tutte le gradazioni tra questi colori, con maschera nera; la punta dei peli nera è ammessa, ma il nero non deve predominare.

        Lo schiarimento del colore di base nella faccia inferiore della coda, alla criniera, alle frange degli anteriori e alla culotte dei posteriori non deve essere marcata al punto da nuocere all’armonia dell’insieme del colore del mantello.

        Una piccola macchia bianca o una piccola marcatura bianca a forma di stretta linea sul petto sono tollerate, come pure dei peli bianchi sulle dita.
      • Taglia

        Altezza al garrese
        Maschi 72 – 80 cm – taglia media ricercata 76 cm
        Femmine 65 – 75 cm - taglia media ricercata 70 cm
      • Difetti

        qualsiasi deviazione da quanto sopra deve essere considerata come difetto e la severità con cui questo difetto verrà penalizzato deve essere proporzionata alla sua gravità
      • Difetti eliminatori

        • Cane pauroso o aggressivo.
        • Difetti anatomici importanti .
        • Tartufo marrone
        • Pigmento nettamente insufficiente alle labbra
        • Mancanza di denti (eccetto gli M3), enognatismo e prognatismo, altri difetti della chiusura
        • Colore degli occhi diverso dal bruno nelle sue diverse sfumature.
        • Entropion, ectropion
        • Coda visibilmente arrotolata o portata troppo alta e arrotolata
        • Cuscinetti marroni
        • Pelo riccio o decisamente a boccoli
        • Colori sbagliati: marrone con tartufo e cuscinetti marroni, nero focato, nero, argento, colore d’animale selvatico (grigio lupo)
        • Mancanza totale di maschera nera
        • Eccesso di bianco (il bianco delle dita che risale fino al carpo e al tarso, macchia bianca al petto che supera la grandezza di una mano, bianco in altri posti.

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